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24.10.2013 20:25
1. Greg jones tells us about what he will do if aliens come. a. if/theyinvade us/I/tell them/I can workfor them     If they invade us I will tell them I can work for them b. If/I/work for them/i/ask/ask them//for a good salary     If I work for them will ask them for a good...

Maly lee, an english teacher

15.07.2013 18:11
1)  MALY LEE, AN ENGLISH TEACHER  2) She graduated in 2004 and then she started teaching english 3) May lee was an english teacher  4) She has been a teacher for aboot six year  5) She has taught kindergarten, first, second and third grade, also eighth grade students,and her...


27.05.2013 08:01
POLITIC: 1. USA is prepared to defend against threats from North Korea: Obama USA president also said to be ready to support allies like South Korea Obama spoke thus in a joint press conference with his south Korean counterpart, park geun-hye, after meeting with her in the white house. According to...


26.05.2013 11:54
THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD (MINERVA) We passed upon the stair, we shook in was and when although I wasn´t there, he sald i was his friend which came as a surprise i spoke into his eyes i though you died alone, a long long time ago, Oh no, not me We never lost control You´re face to face  With...


02.05.2013 07:18
<!--- codigo><table border="0" id="t1"><tr><td><a href=""><param name=wmode value=transparent><embed style="" src=""...


22.04.2013 07:28
  After the discovery, in little more than a decade that solved the genetic code works. The first description of the double helix of DNA, finding in a laboratory setting at the University of Cambridge, and that forever changed the understanding of life, meets this week...


04.04.2013 07:57
1. Complete de following sentences by using the past tense:  a. When i was (be) a child. i went (go) with my brother to the park every day. b. He threw (throw) me the ball and i cought (catch) it. c. then, i learnt (learn) to play chess.  d. I thought (think) about each move carefully,...

page 19

04.04.2013 07:53
Pag:19 (5-7) 5-Answer the following questions individually. a.  What special moments of your childhood do you remember?   For the special moments I remember from my childhood were my birthday and school trips were really fun and when my sister was born.   b.What was your favorite...

personal information

04.04.2013 07:50
                               JASBLEIDY BELTRAN names : indira jasbleidy last name : beltran bernal hobbies : playing voleibol nationality:...

Nuevo evento

01.03.2013 13:07
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